Setup development environment on Windows 7 碎碎念



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  • Cygwin64
  • SourceTree
  • Lantern vpn (in order to access Google…)

Install Cygwin64

  1. Download Cygwin64 from
  2. Run the execution file to install.
  3. Select ‘download and install’
  4. Choose a download url
  5. Select packages want to install, such as git, python, php etc…
  6. Done

Install Node:

  1. Download node from
  2. Run the installer and follow instructions
  3. Open command prompt, check ‘node -v’ and ‘npm -v’

Install MongoDB

  1. Download MongoDB from I choose Windows Vista without SSL support.
  2. Run the installer. By default it will be installed to C:\Mongodb
  3. Create folder data under Mongodb and create folder db under folder data.
  4. Navigate to bin folder under Mongodb. Run ‘mongod –dbpath “c:\MongoDB\data\db” –storageEngine=mmapv1’ and check if it successfully starts mongodb.

Note: Only get it working using command prompt. When using Cygwin64, it throws error ‘cannot find command mongod’.